Mission Statement – The Central Citizens’ Library District changes lives by opening doors to education and entertainment, providing access to diverse resources, and offering opportunities to enrich our community.
Value Statements
Service – We provide access to materials and services to meet the needs of our community.
Inclusion/Access – We welcome everyone to our library.
Learning – We are a fun educational & entertainment center.
Resourcefulness – We figure out how to get things done.
Collaboration – We work and play well with others.
Community – We build and work for our evolving community.
Board Meeting Schedule: 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00pm
During 1994-1995, citizens within a portion of Central Community Unit School District #4, in cooperation with Lincoln Trail Libraries Systems, were part of an Illinois State Library regional demonstration grant project for a combined school and public library. Residents of this potential library district voted in November 1995 in favor of establishing the Central Citizens’ Library District. The new public library’s first tax levy was established in 1996. The public library contracts with Central Community School District for space and use of the jointly-supported collection and service program. We are one of the few combined public/school libraries in Illinois.
The mission of the Central Citizens’ Library District is to provide educational, informational, cultural, and recreational resources and services to all ages of people in the Central Citizens’ Library District. The library will provide access to the universe of information, and especially that information which is of immediate relevance and interest to the community it serves. The library seeks to accomplish its mission through prudent management and development of its resources and by providing access to materials and services to meet the present and future needs of the community it serves. In this effort, the Central Citizens’ Library District cooperates with other libraries and with other educational and governmental institutions. Special emphasis is placed on current popular materials. The library serves as a learning center and educational center for all residents of the community.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Agendas
- 1.1 Purpose Vision Values
- 1.2 FOIA
- 2.1 Organization
- 3.1 Eligibility of Services
- 3.2 Circulation
- 3.3 Confidentiality of Records
- 3.4 Computer Use
- 3.5 Equipment Kit Loan
- 3.6 Institution Services
- 3.7 Gift Donation
- 3.8 Notary Services
- 3.9 Social Media
- 4.1 Library Bill of Rights
- 4.2 Materials Selection
- 4.3 Reconsideration of Materials
- 4.4 Freedom to View.
- 5.1 Rules of Conduct.
- 5.3 Sexual Harassment
- 5.4 Drug And Alcohol Free
- 5.5 Test Proctoring
- 7.1 Meeting Room Policy Application for Use of Meeting Room
- 7.2 Study Space