Reminder for students & parents (during school hours):
- 5th-12th grade students will need to bring thier library card to check out – they are given 3 “no card” check outs per semseter.
- Check out period for books & audio books is 3 weeks.
- All Middle School & High School student accounts must be cleared of fines from the previous year to check out at the beginning of the school year.
- Number of items a student is allowed to have checked out: 5th grade = 2 items, 6th-8th = 3 items, High school = no limit
- Students have the option to renew their items, if they bring them to the Library.
- If a student checks out an audio book, they must check out the print book as well. (following along while listening improves vocabulary & retention)
- Late fees are 10 cents per day / per item
- Students will be notified at school when items are 7 & 14 days overdue. After 21 days parents will be called
- Students may order items online ( by using their card # & password (lunch code).
- Replacement library cards are $5.
- ** Middle School students must turn in a permission note to the office in the morning, to stay after school in the library.